jiu jitsu in Bend

Bend's elite Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy

Improve your strength and agility with the disciplined practice of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
A group of people in a room with a sign.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu Classes

Harness the power of grappling and submission

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art focusing on ground fighting and submission holds. Our program caters to all skill levels, promoting physical fitness, strategic thinking, and self-defense in a welcoming environment.

benefits of jiu jitsu

Cultivate discipline, strength, and resilience

Training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at Clarks University enhances more than just physical capabilities; it builds mental toughness, fosters self-discipline, and elevates your overall well-being

A man in a black jacket and a man in a blue shirt.
Ryan Brumbaugh

Beautiful academy, welcoming community, great instruction! I visited the academy on a Thursday lunch class and there were plenty of good technical rolls to be had of all skill levels. Great place for the family, instructors engaged with my wife and children in a friendly, welcoming way. Everyone was so polite! All in all I had a lot of fun training with those beasts! And I will be returning!


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Questions and Answers

Can Jiu Jitsu build muscle?

Yes, Jiu Jitsu can build muscle. Although it's not the same as weightlifting or bodybuilding, the constant grappling and ground fighting work various muscle groups intensely, leading to increased muscle tone and strength over time.

Can Jiu Jitsu get you in shape?

Absolutely. Jiu Jitsu is a rigorous physical activity that improves cardiovascular health, flexibility, and overall fitness. Regular training can significantly enhance your physical condition, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to get in shape.

Where to learn Jiu Jitsu?

Jiu Jitsu can be learned at martial arts academies worldwide that offer specialized training in this discipline, including Clarks University in Bend, Oregon.

What does Jiu Jitsu mean?

Jiu Jitsu translates to "gentle art" in Japanese, reflecting its emphasis on using an opponent's energy against them, rather than relying on brute strength.

Where did Jiu Jitsu originate?

Jiu Jitsu originated in Japan as a martial art for samurais. It focuses on grappling and ground fighting, leveraging an opponent's force against themselves.

Begin Your Journey

Step onto the mat with confidence

A group of people standing in a room.